Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012


hi saturday night!! How are you!
Tonight is my third night that I spent you alone :)

Well not really alone, I spent you with my boyfriend,
yeahh in virtual way hahaa :)

3 minggu rasanya cepet banget yaa berjalan.. abis 3 minggu 4 minggu.. abis itu 5 minggu.. abis itu 6 minggu.. abis itu wisuda, here we go!! I definately will meet him in his graduation ceremony :)) Cant wait for that moment..

Emang cepet, tapi kangennya juga cepet muncul!!
duh nyampah banget lah yaa ini di blog..
I just want to write something to express what I feel.
But I dont even know what I feel right now!!
I just miss him so badly!!
And I just hope I could meet him right now even just for 5 minutes!!
with my five minutes I will hug him and tell him that I love him and I miss him and I need him,
and finally five minutes are over and we are separate again. and that would be enough for me right now :)
klise. but its true :))

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